It's Just Beginning
Only a small portion of the year 2014 has passed so far and much lies ahead. A couple big event are in line for this year. Often you might hear a paraphrase of this type of question: "You went to Hawaii just to relax, no mission trip, no work?" The answer is yes.
Hospitality Project
A time consumer and energy inducer for the end of 2013 and the early part of 2014 was spearheading a pilot project to expand the Interfaith Hospitality Network of Salem to Polk County. From March 16th to the 23rd, numerous churches and individuals in the Polk area hosted three homeless families at Christ's Church with safe warm overnights and family style meals. Foreseeing energy and interest coming out of this pilot, churches in Polk County will continue this process later this year with different churches hosting families throughout the year.
In May there is a Celebration of Life and Love bringing friends and family from everywhere together to laugh and eat while Denvy turns the big seven-oh and Gail and Denvy remember more than 45 years of shared love.
After Denvy's done teaching in June they will drive cross-country to visit the Presbyterian General Assembly in Detroit and friends and family along the way. The final trip of the year will be to Honduras with a group of Dallas Methodists to help build a church and office space for the Methodist Church in the country's captial.