Move to JC
mother had had a slight shock years years before but in the spring of
1992, it was decided that moving to a retirement home would be best for
her. Gail asked Denvy if he could find a job in North Dakota by fall.
He did, as the first director of student activities at their Alma Mater,
Jamestown College. Becky and Denvy drove the pickup with a trailer full
of household goods and tools to Jamestown so Becky could start basketball
practice for her junior year in high school. Gail and Marc followed a
week later taking Marc to Lewis and Clark College in Portland, Oregon
to start his freshman year.
Getting Settled

and Becky found an old "fixer-up" house which Gail repainted and refreshed
while Becky tried to adjust to her new school and Denvy tried to figure
out what his job description might be. After several months Gail became
a clinical instructor for the University of North Dakota which had its
psychiatric experience at the state hospital in Jamestown.